Now that's some pretty heavy stuff to throw out there on the first day of class. It reminds me of a J.K. Rowling quote (yes, from Harry Potter ... but Dumbledore said it, so it's clearly legit), " ... though we may come from different countries and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one." Both Dr. Scott and J.K. Rowling are right. Now, a few years ago, I would never have thought for even a few seconds that this was a topic that still needed discussing in the year 2009. But my eyes have been shockingly opened to the fact that prejudices of every kind surround us. Daily. Call me naive, but I honestly don't understand why. People could lecture me or show me power point presentations day in and day out about how prejudice is rooted in fear and all the other theories that we make up to explain why it's logical that it exists ... but for a country that prides itself on equality, in fact preaches and shouts it from the rooftops, it seems that we are ... well, failing.
But I guess prejudice is really more about hate. And the only way to counter hatred is with love. So instead of focusing so much on justice and equality, maybe we should focus on love and kindness. Maybe a little Pay It Forward action going on? I don't even know what point I'm trying to make anymore, but I guess my advice to anyone reading this would be to keep all this mind as you go through your daily life. You know that guy that smells like sweat on the packed Orbit bus that takes your seat? Or that girl in your class that never understands anything and therefore asks a million and one frustrating/ridiculous questions? Well, next time you want to strangle both of those people ... or throw them in front of bus ... or whatever your preferred anger-dispensing method ... remember that we are all connected in the most basic of basic ways: being human.
So give that big, smelly, bus-seat-stealer a hug. I dare you.